General Assembly | Lead Instructor

Taught hundreds of designers hands-on UX skills and UI design as a lead instructor at General Assembly.


I believe in the power of education to transform careers. My time at General Assembly (GA) was a testament to this, especially as I spearheaded the redesign of the UX bootcamp curriculum in Downtown Los Angeles (DTLA).

The Challenge:

The bootcamp was strong, but the industry was evolving. I saw a need for a curriculum that more closely reflected real-world UX work, emphasized collaboration, and prepared students for the wide array of UX roles across industries.

Research & Ideation:

My approach was always to put the students and the industry first. I spoke with alumni to understand their needs, interviewed leaders at FANG companies, startups, and Fortune 500s, and researched trends to truly grasp what UX was becoming.

Curriculum Redesign:

I focused on these pillars:

  • Foundational Mastery: Ensured students had a rock-solid understanding of UX principles.
  • Real Client Projects: Students tackled live briefs, experiencing the full UX process firsthand.
  • Collaborative Learning: Projects were team-based, reflecting how UX works in the real world.
  • Diverse Role Preparation: I expanded the curriculum to prepare students for everything from research to UI design.

Implementation & Teaching:

Rolling out the new curriculum was thrilling. Over several months, I helped hundreds of students gain practical skills and create impressive portfolios. We constantly gathered feedback and iterated, ensuring the program was always improving.

Outcomes & Impact:

The results speak for themselves:

  • Diverse Career Placements: Graduates landed roles everywhere from FANG to Fortune 500s.
  • Broader UX Roles: Students found their place across the UX spectrum, proof of the curriculum's depth.
  • Alumni Success Stories: Watching our graduates thrive was the greatest reward.
The amount of experience Sharif has as a Lead UX Designer bleeds through in his personality. As Sharif’s student, I had the opportunity to learn skills beyond user-centered design and observe the abilities of a true leader. From team stand-ups to one-on-one’s, Sharif was deliberate about always be available to advise, but not make decisions for us.
As an instructor, Sharif demonstrated not only deep technical knowledge but also a clear interest in what builds a human interaction. Sharif taught me the methodology of UX Design and challenged me to decide what would be the best way to understand how a user wants to interact with any given product/service. These skills immediately became relevant once I began my career.
Sharif makes a serious effort to give me the best advice his experience offers even today. What makes Sharif so effective as a Leader and a UX Designer is that he does more than see the user, he connects with people.
Hann-wei Chang


My time at GA taught me how powerful it is to align education with real-world needs. By putting students at the center and staying in tune with the industry, I helped shape a new generation of successful UX professionals.

"Sharif's creative energy, technical insight, and leadership have been an outstanding addition to General Assembly's UX Design Course. Since joining as the Lead Instructor in Los Angeles, he's helped us grow the program - updating and introducing new lectures and tools pulled directly from industry experience.
Sharif communicates with clarity and is always willing to take on a challenge. He has inspired and motivated his students and colleagues with his enthusiasm and passion for accessibility and human-centered design. He has a great way of dealing with problems and conflicts with compassion, calm and respect. Sharif cares deeply about his team and work — making him a strong UX advocate and design leader."
John Madigan, VP, North America Operations at General Assembly